Post Evil Era and “The Axis of Upheaval”

It does not seem that President Obama is not into renewing the membership of Axis of Evil Club members. The United States has more important things to deal with. Economy, fundamentalism and also energy crisis- don’t miss two unfinished wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. So ” forget Iran, Iraq, and North Korea—Bush’s “Axis of Evil.” As economic calamity meets political and social turmoil, the world’s worst problems may come from countries like Somalia, Russia, and Mexico. And they’re just the beginning.” The Foreign Policy Monthly explains why:

“The resources available for policing the world are certain to be reduced for the foreseeable future. That will be especially true if foreign investors start demanding higher yields on the bonds they buy from the United States or simply begin dumping dollars in exchange for other currencies.

Economic volatility, plus ethnic disintegration, plus an empire in decline: That combination is about the most lethal in geopolitics. We now have all three. The age of upheaval starts now. (Read the full story here…)